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Dr. Ki's Publications

Dr. Ki's research delves into consumer psychology and behavior, with a focus on connecting these aspects to various consumption contexts. Her research aims to uncover the fundamental values and emotions that influence consumers' decision-making processes, with a specific emphasis on: AI and human-computer interactionCircular fashion; Digital technology mediated fashion retail and marketing; and Luxury fashion. Our team warmly welcomes applications from individuals interested in consumer behavior or fashion marketing as well as those proficient in modern AI analytics, for our MPhil, PhD, and RA positions.

  • Journal Impact Factors (IFs) are based on the InCite Journal Citation Reports (JCR) by Clarivate at the time of publication.

  • * denotes corresponding or equal contribution.

  • # indicates research student or research assistant author.


Shen, M., Aw, E.*, Tan, G., & Ki, C. (2025). Psychological ownership and parasocial relationships: Pathways to loyalty in Livestream Commerce. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q2; IF 3.9]


Ki, C., #Chong, S., Aw, E., Lam, M.*, & Wong, C.W.Y. (2025). Metaverse consumer behavior: Investigating factors driving consumer participation in the transitory metaverse, avatar personalization, and digital fashion adoption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1/Top 3% in business; IF 11; ABDC: A]


#Bae, M., #Wang, J.*, #Xue, H., #Chong, S., Kwon, O., & Ki, C. (2024). Does ChatGPT help or hinder education? Exploring its benefits, challenges, student guilt, and the need for educator training. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.

[ESCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q2; IF 1.9]


Kim, I., Ki, C.*, Lee, H., & Kim, Y. (2024). Virtual influencer marketing: Evaluating the influence of virtual influencers’ form realism and behavioral realism on consumer ambivalence and marketing performance. Journal of Business Research.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1/Top 3% in business; IF 10; ABS 3; ABDC: A] 


Ki, C.*, #Chenn, A., #Chong, S., & Cho, E. (2024). Is livestream shopping conceptually new? A comparative literature review of livestream shopping and TV home shopping research. Journal of Business Research.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1/Top 3% in business; IF 10; ABS 3; ABDC: A]


Youn, S., Ki, C.*, & Ha, S. (2024). Feeling close from afar: Public reactions to racial profiling in retail and brand crisis management. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1/Top 3% in business; IF 11; ABDC: A]


Ki, C., Li, C., #Chenn, A., #Chong, S.*, & Cho, E. (2024). Wise consumer choices in online secondhand luxury (OSHL) shopping: An integrated model of motivations, attitudes, and purchase intentions for OSHL as wise, conspicuous, and sustainable consumption. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1/Top 3% in business; IF 11; ABDC: A]


Ki, C., Wang, B.*, #Chong, S., #Chenn, A., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2023). Assessing Chinese fashion organizations’ change readiness for the circular economy (FashionReady4CE): Development and validation of FashionReady4CE scales. Journal of Cleaner Production.

[SSCI; 2023 JCR rank: Q1; IF 9; ABDC: A]


Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2022). Investigating the mechanism through which consumers are “inspired by” social media influencers and “inspired to” adopt influencers’ exemplars as social defaults. Journal of Business Research.

[SSCI; 2022 JCR: Q1/Top10%; IF 11; ABS 3; ABDC: A]


Ki, C., #Chow, T., & Li, C.* (2022). Bridging the trust gap in influencer marketing: Ways to sustain consumers’ trust and assuage their distrust in the social media influencer landscape. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

[SSCI; 2022 JCR: Q1; IF: 4] 


Ki, C.* & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2022). Consumer versus corporate moral responsibilities for creating a circular fashion: Virtue or accountability? Clothing and Textiles Research Journal.

[SSCI; 2022 JCR: Q2]

2021 CTRJ Award for Top Altmetric Score since publication


Ki, C., #Ni, Y.*, & Lee, Y. (2022). A study on the psychology and behavior of Chinese consumers using gaming commerce: Based on the basic psychological need theory (중국 소비자들의 게이밍 커머스 이용 심리 및 행동에 관한 연구: 기본심리욕구 충족감을 중심으로). 소비문화연구 Journal of Consumption Culture.

[KCI; Korea Citation Index]


#Lau, O., & Ki, C.* (2021). Can consumers’ gamified, personalized, and engaging experiences with VR fashion apps increase in-app purchase intention by fulfilling needs? Fashion & Textiles.

[SCIE; 2021 JCR: Q1]


Ki, C.*, Park, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2021). Towards a circular economy: Understanding consumers’ moral stance on corporations’ and individuals’ responsibilities in creating a circular fashion economy. Business Strategy and the Environment.

[SSCI; 2021 JCR: Q1/Top10%; IF: 10; ABS 3; ABDC: A]


Ki, C.*, #Chong, S., & Ha-Brookshire, J. (2020). How fashion can achieve sustainable development through a circular economy and stakeholder engagement: A systematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.

[SSCI; 2020 JCR: Q1/Top10%; IF: 8]


Ki, C.*, Cho, E., & Lee, J. (2020). Can an intelligent personal assistant (IPA) be your friend? Para-friendship development mechanism between IPAs and their users. Computers in Human Behavior

[SSCI; 2020 JCR: Q1/Top 5%; IF: 6; ABS 3; ABDC: A]


Ki, C.*, Cuevas, L., #Chong, S., & Lim, H. (2020). Influencer marketing: Social media influencers as human brands attaching to followers and yielding positive marketing results by fulfilling needs. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

[SSCI; 2020 JCR: Q1; IF: 7; ABDC: A]
Top Cited Articles from JRCS published since 2020 (June to November 2023)

Most Cited Articles from JRCS published since 2019 (July 2022)

Most Downloaded Articles from JRCS in the last 90 days (Sep 2021-July 2022)

Mentioned by Forbes on 28 Jan 2021


Ki, C.* & Kim, Y. (2019). The mechanism by which social media influencers persuade consumers: The role of consumers’ desire to mimic. Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 905-922.

[SSCI; 2019 JCR: Q2; ABS 3; ABDC: A]

Top Cited Article 2019-2020

Top 10 Most Downloaded Article 2019-2020

Top Downloaded Paper 2018-2019

† Mentioned in Wikipedia's "Influencer Marketing" page


Cho, E., Ki, C.*, & Kim, Y. (2019). Ethnic-inspired design consumption as a means of enhancing self-view confidence. Social Behavior and Personality. [SSCI]

† Top 10 Most Popular Articles and Free Download of the month for July 2019


Ki, C., Lee, K., & Kim, Y.* (2017). Pleasure and guilt: How do they interplay in luxury consumption?. European Journal of Marketing, 51(4), 722-747.



Ki, C. & Kim, Y.* (2016). Sustainable versus conspicuous luxury fashion purchase: Applying self-determination theory. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 44(3), 309–323. [SCOPUS]

Best Paper Award in apparel, textiles, and merchandising track published in 2016

† Top 10 Most Downloaded Articles during 2016


Ki, C.* & Kim, Y. (2016). Sustainable luxury fashion consumption and the moderating role of guilt. Fashion, Industry & Education, 14(1), 18-30.

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