Delighted to share that our SFT postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Woojin Choi, has won the Best Paper Award for oral presentation from KSCT
21 October 2024
It was a great joy that Dr. Choi received the 2024 Best Conference Paper Award from the Korean Society of Fashion and Textile (KSCT) for presenting our research titled, “Can AI-Robot Retail Assistants Reduce Consumers’ Feelings of Being Judged and Intruded Upon, thereby Decreasing Store Departure?” KSCT is the leading conference in Korea focused on fashion and textiles, and the award is only given to one participant after a rigorous evaluation of all submissions.
Moreover, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Hyunhwan "Aiden" Lee at CSULB, the co-author of this research, for his remarkable generative AI techniques in developing the stimuli for the experiments. We couldn't have achieved this without Dr. Lee’s GAN algorithm – he made the impossible possible.
Congratulations, Dr. Choi, on this outstanding achievement and your significant contributions to SFT. The team is incredibly proud of you and confident that even more accolades await you!
It is always a pleasure to collaborate with great team members who share both the passion and pain of the research journey. I am so grateful for having them in my (research) life.